U susret Međunarodnom danu borbe protiv droga i ilegalne trgovine – 26. Juna u Javnoj ustanovi upriličeno je uručivanje vrijedne donacije austrijske firme Economica GmbH – vlasnika g-dina Daniela Helemensteina.
Donirano je pet računara, četiri laptopa marke DELL i jedan laptop TOSHIBA.
U ime kompanije, donaciju je uručio Samir Adžović, prof. crnogorskog jezika, direktoru Javne ustanove mr Marku Čađenoviću.
Direktor je ovom prilikom izrazio zadovoljstvo i zahvalio na pokazanoj društvenoj odgovornosti prema najranjivijim društvenim grupama koji su smještene u našoj Ustanovi i uručio Zahvalnicu.
In anticipation of the International Day against Drugs and Illegal Trafficking – on June 26th, a valuable donation from the Austrian company Economica GmbH – owner Mr. Daniel Helemenstein was presented in the Public Institution.
Five computers, four DELL laptops and one TOSHIBA laptop were donated.
On behalf of the company, the donation was handed over by Samir Adžović, prof. of the Montenegrin language, to the director of the Public Institution MSc. Marko Čađenović.
On this occasion, the Director expressed his satisfaction and thanked for the demonstrated social responsibility towards the most vulnerable social groups housed in our Institution and handed over a Certificate of Appreciation.